Ana Rugina
Graphic Designer
Rotterdam, NL
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Graphic Designer
Rotterdam, NL
Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling
2024, annual report
Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling is a restorative mediation company for directly involved parties after a traumatic event. They requested a redesign for their annual report, aiming for a more friendly and visually representative approach.
In the case of mediation, two or more people are involved. But sometimes the victim doesn’t want to directly communicate with the agressor. I wanted to emphasize this by creating illustrations that can be used together with a picture and hint towards the somewhat distant relationship between the two parties. The illustrations are sketch-like, which makes it easy to integrate them in the communication materials of Perspectif. They are also used as a style element within the annual report, always connected to the text.
In the case of mediation, two or more people are involved. But sometimes the victim doesn’t want to directly communicate with the agressor. I wanted to emphasize this by creating illustrations that can be used together with a picture and hint towards the somewhat distant relationship between the two parties. The illustrations are sketch-like, which makes it easy to integrate them in the communication materials of Perspectif. They are also used as a style element within the annual report, always connected to the text.

Since this is an annual report, clear communication is the goal. But while keeping this in mind, I played around with the layout so that more important information stands out and the reader is engaged by certain breaks in the rythm.
This project was created while working for Story Studio.

2023, motion graphics & videographyAs a motion designer for TomTom, I created animated materials for the internal side of the company, as well as assets for the social media platforms. The company is in the navigation industry, so motion is a big part of their identity.
Hence, what I created for them is fast-paced and meant as a teaser of what’s about to come.
The animation above is a waiting screen for one of their internal events, that loops to keep people entertained. Throughout this experience, I gained a better understanding of storytelling on social media and the requirements for an engaging post.
The animation above is a waiting screen for one of their internal events, that loops to keep people entertained. Throughout this experience, I gained a better understanding of storytelling on social media and the requirements for an engaging post.
2024, magazine advertisment & social media materials
Consolidated is a company that provides management, maintenance and renovation of flat and roofs. They want to position themselves as the leader in the market and gain more customers. The company came to Story Studio requesting a strategy that will help them differentiate themselves.
From the idea of the roof, the external identitity was shifted to “view”, so I created the advertisment above focusing on the beautiful work environment at Consolidated. As well, the angle that the logo has is repeated on the advertisment, which together with the green signal-color, makes the brand recognizable.
From the idea of the roof, the external identitity was shifted to “view”, so I created the advertisment above focusing on the beautiful work environment at Consolidated. As well, the angle that the logo has is repeated on the advertisment, which together with the green signal-color, makes the brand recognizable.

On their social media, the company likes to celebrate events such as Kings Day or Environment Day. While keeping the idea of the roof in mind, I created some playful animations using a collage technique.
This project was created while working for Story Studio.
This project was created while working for Story Studio.
2024, infographics for yearly report
Ymere helps people with a modest income find housing in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. I created infographics for them, that would later be included in their yearly report for 2023. The goal was to make sure that the audience can read the publication well and understand the information.

To represent the numbers and proportions, I used some visual metaphors that are related to the work of Ymere. This makes the more relatable to the target group, since it becomes more friendly and easy to follow.

This project was created while working for Story Studio.
2021, infographics & animationI was assigned to create infographics and
explanatory animations for Compris, a sustainable asset management company.
These visualizations were made to explain the process of the company,
specifically a circular method.
Structuring the content in an easy-to access manner was really important, as the purpose was to explain a methodology. I first had to understand it myself to be able to communicate it properly, and it took quite a few alterations to make sure the target audience can easily understand the process.
Structuring the content in an easy-to access manner was really important, as the purpose was to explain a methodology. I first had to understand it myself to be able to communicate it properly, and it took quite a few alterations to make sure the target audience can easily understand the process.

The canvas below was created for a collaboration with Schiphol and it is real-size poster that they can use during meetings to brain storm using post-it notes.
This project was created while working for Story Studio.

This project was created while working for Story Studio.