Ana Rugina
Graphic Designer
Rotterdam, NL
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Graphic Designer
Rotterdam, NL
Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling
2024, annual report
Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling is a restorative mediation company for directly involved parties after a traumatic event. They requested a redesign for their annual report, aiming for a more friendly and visually representative approach.
In the case of mediation, two or more people are involved. But sometimes the victim doesn’t want to directly communicate with the agressor. I wanted to emphasize this by creating illustrations that can be used together with a picture and hint towards the somewhat distant relationship between the two parties. The illustrations are sketch-like, which makes it easy to integrate them in the communication materials of Perspectif. They are also used as a style element within the annual report, always connected to the text.
In the case of mediation, two or more people are involved. But sometimes the victim doesn’t want to directly communicate with the agressor. I wanted to emphasize this by creating illustrations that can be used together with a picture and hint towards the somewhat distant relationship between the two parties. The illustrations are sketch-like, which makes it easy to integrate them in the communication materials of Perspectif. They are also used as a style element within the annual report, always connected to the text.

Since this is an annual report, clear communication is the goal. But while keeping this in mind, I played around with the layout so that more important information stands out and the reader is engaged by certain breaks in the rythm.
This project was created while working for Story Studio.