Ana Rugina

Graphic designer
based in Rotterdam

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︎︎︎ Experimental

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Ana Rugina

Graphic Designer
Rotterdam, NL

︎︎︎ About me

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︎︎︎ Client-based
︎︎︎ Experimental

Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden

2023, event materials

While working for Story Studio, they organized event for Hoogheemraadschap De Stichtse Rijnlanden. HDSR regulates local and regional water management in the central Netherlands. I designed posters, flyers, and beach flags focused on communicating innovative work happening around the dykes. As well, I presented a redesign proposal for their monthly newsletter.

The inovation that was happening around the dyke created worries for the companies involved, as well as for the residents in the area. Due to this, it was important to communicate to them in clear manner about the changes that will be made. The challenge of this project was making the information accessible to the general public.

This project was created while working for Story Studio.